Student News
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Art Director
Dwight, CGC
"There is research to support that therapy dogs in the school environment have a positive impact on addressing students and staff needs, Trussalo said.
“The role of Dwight at Fletcher is to provide support to everyone in multiple ways, including helping students and staff to deal with stress, process mental health concerns, boost academic engagement, as well as promote attendance,” she said. “Dwight serves as an accessible resource to comfort, provide opportunities for tasks of responsibility, and incentives through multiple means such as individual, small group, or whole group learning.”
To help students adjust to having a dog in school, volunteers from the Chautauqua County Humane Society alongside Carly Davis from CHQDogs have been visiting classrooms to provide canine safety tips to students and staff."
Special thank you to Shauna and CCHS's Humane Education Committee!
Tech Lead
Ledger, CGC, TKE
"Reyda said it was decided that now was a good time for the school board to meet both dogs because of Ledger’s training.
“Since Ledger just completed his training and has become a regular guest in the elementary school, we felt it was time for the board to officially meet both therapy dogs,” he said. “Both animals provide an amazing sense of comfort to students. It’s hard to explain, but there is a definite sense of calmness when the therapy dogs are around.”
Additionally, Reyda said training Samson and Ledger to be therapy dogs was something that Haas and the Hewitts did on their own. Reyda said the school is grateful for their work."